Sunday, February 4, 2007

Femoral Triangle

This one's a quickie:

Click here for a nice illustration.

What are the borders of the femoral triangle?

laterally - Sartorius
medially - Adductor Longus
superiorly - Inguinal Ligament
floor - Adductor Longus / Pectineus / Iliopsoas
roof - Fascia Lata

What are the boundaries of the femoral ring?

laterally - femoral vein
posteriorly - superior ramus of pubis / pectineus
medially - lacunar ligament / conjoint tendon
anteriorly - inguinal ligament

What are the contents of the femoral sheath?

Remember NAVEL (from lateral to medial)?

Well, the femoral nerve actually lies outside the sheath. It gives off the saphenous nerve which later accompanies the femoral artery in the adductor canal.

laterally - femoral artery
intermediate - femoral vein
medially - femoral canal (i.e. femoral hernia)

The profunda femoris a. arises laterally from the CFA 4cm inferior to the inguinal ligament then descends posteriorly. Around the same level, the great saphenous vein pierces the medial wall of the femoral sheath and drains into the femoral vein.

Late! SG

Source: Moore KL. Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 3rd ed.

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